Winter's Bridge

Winter’s Bridge

Don’t you think the coppered leaves

Swing boating in the damp air

Are treasure, rare?

Can you hear the kestrels cry

As they swoop above the mornings mist

Isn’t it rich with promise?

Have you seen the drooping Bryony

Thin stemmed and weeping

Their bright-berried beading??

Can you smell the wet earth

Decaying under wind-swept skies

Tree roots delving in the fruity soil

And burrowing insect life?

Don’t you think the ancient oak

Bare branched in the biting storm

Stands, a mighty form?

Isn’t the shock of frost cracking

The slap of cold air at night-fall

A moving memorial?

Isn’t the strike of rain on hard ground

The fall of hooves on frozen stone

A percussive encore of land and bone? 

Here at the end of the season

Joy still held like a breath

Ice keeping life in a moment

Of contemplation and death

Stealing through valleys and hillsides

Gardens, field hedge and old lanes

Moving from a ripe maturation

Concealing new life in its pain.

Soon you will see the Spring coming

The revival of field once flood-drowned,

Listen to the song of birds busy building

Feel the give underfoot of soft ground

Sense the quickening of life in water

Flowing with purpose renewed

Wonder at the bounty of changing season that

From this place on this bridge you can view.

©JulietB 2021