Undoubtedly therapy...

A Prayer for the removal of bitterness

God Save me

From duplicitous christian men

With their self-centred, self serving

Self justification

Their needy validation.

God save me

From my mistaken belief

That their faith would be enough

To save me from my darkness

And their strength would nourish me

In my hour of need

That promises would be reflected in deed.

God save me 

From my foolishness

What a bloody imperfect fool I am

How could I not see that when he spoke

Of wanting to save this broken marriage

He didn’t mean the vows we took at altar

He meant the bricks and mortar.

And when he takes my money, and my home,

To preserve his social status

…And the woman with that shiny ring on her finger

Fresh from a luxury holiday in the Caribbean sun

–God, how that sting still lingers!

God Save me.

And God save him

From those as yet unseen imperfections

Which are bound to emerge, post-dopamine charge.

When he takes on her children -

Please let him not forget mine.

I’m sure her body is perfect

And she bears no scars

And will make a far better life-partner than I,

Whose faith is shattered by lie upon lie

Whose body is ruined

Who has no tears left to cry.

Dear God save him

From waking up lonely, 

Because you can lie to make yourself feel better

And tell everyone what an ogre they are

But she loved and cherished you when in need.

And you behaved like a son, not a lover

Treated her less a wife, and more a mother.

God Save me

From self-deluding christian men

You can keep your charity and good grace

Provide me with sweet, sweet revenge

Give me strength to endure

Soften my bitterness

Just take me away from all this

God Save me.